
LoCoMus Affiliate Events:

10th of October 2024, Aleksandra (Ola) Michałko symposium and PhD defense

The symposium will bring together international experts in systematic musicology to explore various approaches to music education and music research, focusing on cognitive humanities, cultural contexts, and technology. The program will feature four 20-minute talks followed by 10 minutes of Q&A:

The event will also include an open forum to encourage discussion on interdisciplinary research. You are invited to bring questions related to your own research for a broader conversation. You can find more information at:

For in person or online participation, please register via this link.

My public defense will take place following the symposium:

If you will attend only the PhD defense, please inscribe via this link. The deadline is 4th of October so that I can let the venue know how many people to expect. In case you cannot attend the symposium and/or defense in person, you can follow them online, just please inscribe so that I can send you the ZOOM link.